Quenching Your Thirst: The Role of Water and Hydration in the Human Body
A couple enjoying drinking their water
Water, the elixir of life, is essential for our very existence. But how much do we truly understand about the importance of water and proper hydration? In this article, we will dive into the significance of water for our bodies, explore the consequences of inadequate hydration, discuss the best times to drink water, highlight the importance of water quality, and introduce solutions to ensure clean, safe water for you and your loved ones. Join us as we uncover the secrets to quenching your body's thirst and maintaining optimal health.
Why Does the Body Need Water?
Water is vital for numerous bodily functions. It plays a crucial role in maintaining temperature regulation, lubricating joints, transporting nutrients, flushing out waste, and supporting proper organ function. Without adequate water intake, our bodies struggle to perform these essential tasks, compromising overall health.
Let’s look at some facts about water:
The average body consists of about 44 quarts of water which accounts for between 50% and 70% of the total body weight
Your blood is 85% water, your muscles 80% water, your brain 75% water and even your bones are 25% water!
The number 1 risk factor for kidney stones is not drinking enough water! Also low fluid intake is linked to a higher risk of bladder cancer and colorectal cancer. Even the risk of fatal coronary heart disease has been linked to water intake!
The body also needs water for blood circulation, metabolism, regulation of body temperature and waste removal. If you're dehydrated, even mildly, your mood and cognitive function may also suffer
What does water do for you?
(Source: https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/water-you-water-and-human-body)
How Much Water Do We Need?
Understanding our daily water requirements is essential. We explore the recommended guidelines for water consumption based on factors such as age, sex, weight, and activity level. We also provide practical tips for calculating personal water needs to ensure optimal hydration.
Ideally you should drink about 1oz of water per 2lbs of body weight per day
So if you weigh 200lbs you should drink 100oz of water per day
Ideally you should start off the day with around a pint of water if you can!
The Consequences of Inadequate Hydration
Inadequate amount of water
When we don't consume enough water, our bodies suffer the consequences. We delve into the impact of dehydration on mood, cognitive function, physical performance, digestion, kidney health, and skin health. Recognizing the signs of dehydration is crucial for taking timely action to restore hydration and prevent health complications.
It’s estimated that 20% to 30% of older adults are dehydrated, often due to water deprivation and the fact that people naturally have a lower volume of water in their body as they get older
Infants and children may also become quickly dehydrated, especially if they’re sick and suffering from vomiting or diarrhea
Bad breath, sugar cravings, decreased alertness and fatigue can all occur if you’re dehydrated
Typically, using thirst as a guide to how much water you need to drink is a simple way to help ensure your individual needs are met, day-by-day
You can also use the color of your urine as a guide; if it is a deep, dark yellow then you likely are not drinking enough water, while a pale straw color or light yellow is typically indicative of adequate hydration
The Best Times to Drink Water
Timing our water intake can optimize its benefits. Understanding the optimal times to consume water helps maximize its effectiveness in supporting bodily functions.
Ideally drink around a pint when you wake up
Avoid drinking water with meals (particularly iced water). Don’t drink half an hour before food or in the hour after food
Stop drinking a few hours before bed so you don’t have to visit the bathroom during the night
Choosing the Best Water to Drink
Water quality is paramount for optimal hydration and health. Know where your drinking water comes from and understand the dangers of plastic water bottles and the potential risks associated with Bisphenol A (BPA) and water contamination.
If you buy water from the supermarket never buy distilled water or purified water as these have minerals removed which your body needs
Instead buy spring water which still contains the essential minerals
Contamination in water
Fluoride is added to tap water because it supposedly rebuilds and strengthens teeth
However, people who drink tap water are being significantly over-exposed to Fluoride which is adversely affecting millions of Americans in various ways:
Dental Fluorosis which degrades the teeth
Early onset of menstruation in teens
Sleep disorders in adolescents
Kidney & liver impairment in adolescents
Higher rates of hip fractures
Disruption of hormones in the body
Increased rates of hypothyroidism
Watch out for Bottled Water Contamination:
Many brands of bottled water are contaminated with microscopic plastics
The worst culprit was Nestle Pure Life
These plastics can block blood vessels & other pathways in the body, as well as disrupting the body’s hormone systems
Ideally you should have a whole house water filtration system
Ensuring Clean Water: Whole House Filtration System
To safeguard your water supply, consider a whole house filtration system. This system provides comprehensive filtration at the point of entry, ensuring clean and safe water throughout your home. It’s a great way to get the best quality water from the supply.
Whole house filtration systems are designed to remove toxins, bacteria, microplastics etc from your water supply
This gives you clean water to drink and also healthier water to shower and bathe in
Often these filtration systems will also remove important minerals so ensure that your system contains a Demineralize Filter to add these minerals back to the water
Securing Your Own Supply: Potable Water Treatment
Rainbarrel water collection
In situations where access to clean water may be limited, having a potable water treatment solution becomes crucial. Understand your options for potable water treatment, including water filtration systems and purification methods, to ensure you have your own supply of safe drinking water in emergency situations, or while traveling.
If your water supply fails then an excellent backup is a rainwater collection system from the gutters on your roof
The system should include filters to remove debris
Also treat the water with bleach or beneficial anaerobic microbes once a month, and maintain proper pH (slightly acidic) with baking soda or vinegar
Water and proper hydration are the cornerstones of our well-being. By understanding the body's need for water, practicing adequate hydration, and ensuring access to clean and safe water, we can optimize our health and vitality. At Kaykon, we recognize the importance of water in overall health and offer a holistic approach through functional medicine. Book your free consultation to explore natural protocols that address the root causes of even the most complex health problems. Together, we can unlock the power of water and embrace a healthier, more vibrant life.
Remember, hydration is not just a choice; it is a necessity. Quench your body's thirst and unlock the potential for optimal health and well-being.
To book your free consultation and learn how functional medicine can support your health journey, visit Kaykon. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you uncover the underlying factors impacting your health and providing natural solutions tailored to your needs.
At KayKon we believe you should have a customized Personalized Wellness Plan created just for you based on your goals and current health conditions. If you’re interested in taking back control of your health and living a life full of energy, vitality, and wellness we urge you to Book a FREE Consult now with the KayKon Team!