Myths about Menopause
MENOPAUSE- a point in time 12 months after a woman's last period. The years leading up to that point, when women may have changes in their monthly cycles, hot flashes, or other symptoms, are called the menopausal transition or perimenopause. The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55.
There are many MYTHS around menopause out of which I have highlighted a few in this post.
Hot Flashes, Insomnia, Weight Gain, Fatigue, Memory Loss, Brain Fog, Hair Loss, Incapability to Orgasm, Painful Sex, Vaginal Dryness, Urinary Incontinence, Breast Tenderness, Loss of Bone Mass, Anxiety, Depression, Headaches/Migraines, Joint Pain, Burning Mouth, Digestive Issues, Itchy Skin, Dizziness, Palpitations, Allergies, or
The body uses symptoms to tell you when something is out of balance.
Your body is trying to tell you something when you experience hot flashes, such as that your hormones are out of balance, you're dehydrated, stressed, etc. It's critical to find the main cause of what is causing your symptoms rather than just enduring them or suppressing them in order to achieve proper balance.
Sex doesn't have to be painful, it doesn't have to happen all the time, and it definitely needs to give you the opportunity to orgasm if you want to. Up to 45% of menopausal and perimenopausal women report having painful sex. Falling estrogen levels, which cause the vaginal tissues to become dry, thinning, and occasionally even bleeding, are the most frequent reason of this, albeit it is not the only one. There is no getting around the fact that this hurts, but assuming that it must always be this way is ludicrous. To combat this, there are several products on the market.
You don't have to feel achy, worn out, and elderly just because you are aging by one year with each orbit of the sun. Nothing irritates me more than when a doctor dismisses your symptoms and advises you to simply cope with them or take a prescription to make them go away since it's just a normal part of getting older. It is true that as you get older, your metabolism changes and you can no longer eat anything you want. For myself and many of my patients, I am aware that all it takes is for me to glance at a brownie for my thighs to appear to gain 3 pounds.
Can you feel me?
I can also confirm that my current weight is lower than it was when I was a teen, and the majority of my patients can say the same. To achieve the weight reduction you want, it is frequently necessary to balance your sex hormones, support your thyroid, and take care of your adrenals. Or perhaps you are carrying a poisonous burden, such as lead, mercury, or other heavy metals, and your body's natural wisdom is keeping the weight on you since that is where the poisons are stored to keep them out of your bloodstream.
Perhaps you need to adjust your sleeping patterns or consume more water. To understand why you use weight as a coping mechanism for emotional suffering, you may need to perform some emotional work. You can be eating too quickly or at the incorrect time. You could be eating the wrong things. You might need to switch up your workout regimen or train your body to perspire. Perhaps your microbiota is out of whack or your liver is overworked. As you can see, there are a ton of alternatives, and I've only highlighted a few. So, when I'm working with a patient, it's not that there's no hope or nothing that can be done; quite the contrary, in fact. There are so many potential directions to go, and it's my duty to determine which ones are most likely to get to the bottom of your problems right away. It's still a lovely discipline to accept yourself exactly as you are, even if you are a bit heavier than you would want to be. My arms do jiggle a little bit, but they provide wonderful hugs, have carried two kids, and are currently embracing my precious tiny granddaughter. If there is a little additional wiggle, the important folks won't be concerned. No matter what the scale says, we owe it to our bodies to treat them with respect and love since they are wonderful containers for our spirits.
This final one is one of the most crucial myths! The fact that hormones can cause cancer is correct, but only in the case of SYNTHETIC PHARMACEUTICAL hormones. While I refer to hormones going forward when you're hanging out with me, I mean bio-identical hormones, and in my professional judgment of more than 20 years, these do not cause cancer; in fact, they can even help treat cancer. Cancer may develop as a result of hormonal imbalance. People who don't know how estrogen works have given it a terrible reputation. Varied estrogens have different effects, but some of them help prevent breast cancer. The hormones in relation to one another, how you metabolize those hormones, and how you detoxify are more important than the hormones themselves. And let me tell you, when properly given and controlled, bio-identical hormones play a major role in having a fantastic Second Act. My hormones would be the one item I would bring to a desert island if I had to bring one thing to sustain my health. Do you honestly believe that I would be grabbing hormones if they caused cancer?
You’re an individual and at KayKon we believe you should have a customized Personalized Wellness Plan created just for you based on your goals and current health conditions. If you’re interested in taking back control of your health and living a life full of energy, vitality, and wellness we urge you to book an initial 15min consultation today!
In Good Health
The Kaykon Team